Who used our images: |
Our images appeared in the books, field guides, journals, magazines, and websites listed below: |
Handbook of the Mammals of the World – Volume 9. Lynx Edicions, 2019
Handbook of the Mammals of the World – Volume 8. Lynx Edicions, 2018
Amphibians & Reptiles of Nuevo Leon. ECO Publishing, 2018
Anfibios y Reptiles de Sonora, Chihuahua y Coahuila, Mexico. CONABIO – Eagle Mountain Publishing, 2016
Mammals of the North Woods. Adventure Publications, 2016
Wild Mammals of Wyoming and Yellowstone National Park. University of California Press, 2016
Amphibians and Reptiles of the US–Mexico Border States. Texas A&M University Press, 2015
The Ecology of Colorado: Landscapes, Plants, and Wildlife of the Centennial State, 2014
Les Urodèles du monde. Second edition, 2013
Amphibians and Reptiles of San Luis Potosí. Eagle Mountain Publishing, 2013
Cuckoos of the World. Helm Identification Guides, 2012
Mammals of Colorado. Second Edition. University Press of Colorado, 2011
Mammals of Georgia Field Guide (Mammal Identification Guides), 2011
Amphibians and Reptiles of the state of Querétaro, Mexico. Texas A&M University, 2010
Nightjars, Potoos, Frogmouths, Oilbird, and Owlet-nightjars of the World. Princeton University Press, 2010
Atlas of Mammals of Hamilton. Hamilton Conservation Authority. 2005.
The Birds of Azerbaijan. Pensoft, 2004.
Reptiles and Amphibians of Algonquin Provincial Park. Friends of Algonquin Park, 2003.
A Nature Guide to Ontario. University of Toronto Press, 1997.
A Field Guide to the Amphibians and Reptiles of Trinidad and Tobago, TTFC, 2018.
Field Guide to Insects of North America. Kaufman Focus Guides. Houghton Mifflin, 2007.
Peterson’s Field Guide to Mammals of North America. Houghton Mifflin, 2006.
Mammals of North America. Kaufman Focus Guides. Houghton Mifflin, 2004.
ROM Field Guide to Amphibians and Reptiles of Ontario. Royal Ontario Museum, 2002.
Forthcoming titles:
Mammals of the Great Lakes Region.
Texas Ornithological Bulletin (journal)
Ontario Birds (journal)
Texas Birds Annual (magazine)
ON Nature (magazine)
Birding (magazine)
Wildscreen Arkive
WikiAves - A Enciclopédia das Aves do Brasil
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